Subject: Hyoka -Nagas water lord- Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:32 am
Habbo name: ?:Brad:?
Name: Hyoka
Age: unknown
Family Members: Nyoka, Kyoka, Myoka, Charlie, Tyler
Pets(optional): nothing
Races(What's the mix?): Naga (half snake half human)
Powers: Hydrokinesis, Cyrokinesis, Weather manip
Abilities (different from powers. Ex, can hold breath for a long time): Can slither on walls and not fall off.
Likes: Nyoka, Charlie, Tyler
Dislikes: people who dislike Nyoka and Charlie
Fears: dieing
Personality: Stuck up, stubborn like his brother
Equipment: Giant polearm (in pic)
Giant Long sword:
History: Hyoka is Nyoka younger twin brother. Though they are few looks alike. They act a lot in common. They hardley see each other anymore. One day Hyoka finds the island and sees Nyoka and Charlie together. He is the only other naga that knows of their relationship. He doesnt really care for what his brother likes. The only thing he is worried about is if someone gets in between them.