Habbo name: :.CreamSoda.:
Name: Nyoka
Age: Unknown
Family Members: Unknown
Pets(optional): None
Races(What's the mix?): Naga [Snake and human]
Powers: Darkness, earth, black and normal fire.
Abilities (different from powers. Ex, can hold breath for a long time): Slither really fast, can slither SILENTLY so NO ONE can hear him
Likes: Charlie [OH NOES, FORBIDDEN LOVE], The forest
Dislikes: [Will think of in a sec]
Fears: None [I only say none because hes really not afraid of anything. hes to serious o_O]
Appearance: Pic
Personality: Stuck up, stubborn, strong, stealthy
Equipment: Long sword
History: Will put later
Occupation: Dark lord of the nagas