Habbo name: BryanFrancis96
Name: Bryan Hollander
Age: 2
Family Members: Charlie, Nyoka, Tyler
Pets(optional): none
Races(What's the mix?): Human and Naga
Powers: none yet
Abilities (different from powers. Ex, can hold breath for a long time): Blow bubbles with his mouth, jump really high,
Likes: animals, bubbles, shiny things, his mommy and daddy, and his sister :3
Dislikes: strangers. (STRANGER DANGER!)
Fears: scary things, scary people
Appearance: Black hair and blue eyes.
Personality: He's bubbly and cute. He's very curious and inquizitive.
Picture(optional): When he's older.
Equipment: Wristblades. When he's grounded, charlie takes them away. x3
History: He was born on the island to Charlie and Nyoka. Not much else happened. (will add later)
Occupation: None, I hope. xD
Themesong(optional): None that I know of o.o